Developing Local Thresholds for Heat Health Warning Systems
Uttar Pradesh and Heat Wave
February 2023 Meetings/Engagements
31st January /2nd February 2023
Conduct of State Level Mock exercise on Earthquake Disaster in Mizoram
National Disaster Management Authority along with the officials and all stakeholders from state of Mizoram conducted a Table Top Exercise and Mock Exercise on Earthquake disaster on 31st January and 2nd of February 2023 in which all districts of the State participated simultaneously.
👉 The exercise aimed at exercising key disaster managers in their roles and responsibilities on various simulated emergency situations, particularly on the likely scenarios to be played out in the impending ME, discern gaps prior to the ME and evolve viable response plans.
1st February 2023
Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of ‘National Project on Forest Fire Management’
Senior officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a meeting of the Technical Advisory Group to discuss and deliberate upon the 'National Project on Forest Fire Management'.
3rd February 2023
Meeting regarding National Geo-Spatial policy"
A discussion meeting along with the briefing session was held to deliberate upon the salient features of the new “National Geo-spatial policy" at NDMA Bhawan
6th February 2023
Capacity-Building Commission’s visit to NDMA
Members and Senior officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a meeting with Sh. Praveen Pardeshi, IAS, Member, Capacity-Building Commission to discuss and deliberate upon the measures to strengthen the SDMAs and DDMAs.
6th-8th February 2023
CBRN Training at Goa’s New Manohar International Airport
National Disaster Management Authority conducted three days basic training course on CBRN Emergency Management at Goa’s new Manohar International Airport from 6th to 8th February 2023.
👉 This basic-level CBRN (Chemicals, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) training course intends to enhance Emergency Handlers' ability to recognize, survive and respond to #CBRN incidents.
👉 Around 40 participants from Goa SDMA, DDMA, Goa police, State health department, Indian Navy, CISF, cargo handlers attended the training course.
6th-8th February 2023 (LBSNAA - Event)
3rd Meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR), 2023 District Disaster Management Plan & Incident Response System
The 3rd Meeting of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR), 2023 District Disaster Management Plan & Incident Response System organised at LBSNAA, Mussoorie.
👉 The core objective of the pre-event was to achieve the vision stated in the National Disaster Management Plan, 2019 to “Make India disaster resilient across all sectors, achieve substantial and inclusive disaster risk reduction by building local capacities starting with the poor and decreasing significantly the loss of lives, livelihoods, and assets in different forms including economic, physical, social, cultural, and environmental while enhancing the ability to cope with disasters at all levels”.
👉 The pre-event outlined a number of areas where India, in partnership with other international actors has been developing its policies on disaster risk reduction, contributing to sustainable development objectives.
7th / 9th February 2023 (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)
Conduct of UT level Mock exercise on Tsunami Disaster in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
National Disaster Management Authority along with its stakeholders and officials from UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands organised a Table Top and Mock Exercise on Tsunami disaster in which all districts of the UT participated on the 7th and 9th of February 2023. Representatives from UT Admin, District Administration & other stakeholders attended the exercise.
The mock exercises aimed
🔸 To ensure roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders as per the Incident Response Systems.
🔸 To inculcate preparedness amongst the General masses.
🔸 To know the Resources available with the different departments.
8th Feb 2023 / 10th February 2023
Conduct of State Level Mock Exercise on Cyclone Disaster in Puducherry
National Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with Puducherry State Disaster Management Authority conducted the Table Top and Mock Exercise on Cyclone for preparedness and coordination with departments and other stakeholders. NDMA regularly conducts pieces of training to prepare all stakeholders involved in Disaster Management.
13th- 14th February 2023-
National Workshop on Heatwave, Mumbai, Maharashtra
National Disaster Management Authority held a National Workshop on Heat Waves in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) Mumbai, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur and State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) Govt. of Maharashtra on the theme: Early Planning, Early Action for Heat Waves Risk Reduction.
👉 The broader objectives of the workshop included looking into the aspects of monitoring to early warning, revisiting policies and response strategies, and sharing experiences and lessons-learned for improving the Heat Wave Risk Management in India. The participants, practitioners as well as experts, deliberated on Heat Wave Risk Management (Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery) for 2023 through the workshop sessions.
👉 The Workshop aimed to help all vulnerable states /districts in preparation of their Heat Action Plans for 2023. It also aimed to discuss the integration of various development plans including long term measures, adapting Cool roof technology, Nature-Based Solutions such as increasing forest coverage and green areas in various states to reduce the risk of heat waves as well as climate change impacts. Moreover, interactions with experts from the different field as well as other stakeholders such as early warning and forecasting agencies, government departments and research institutions could help to figure out appropriate region specific short-, medium- and long- term risk reduction measures most suited for their regions.
16th February 2023-
State level workshop on Landslide Risk Mitigation
Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority in association with National Disaster Management Authority jointly organised the state level workshop on Landslide Risk Mitigation at Mangan DAC. The Workshop included TEC visit to Mangan landslide site to oversee site specific mitigation works apart from discussion on Mangan Landslide Mitigation Project, Landslide vulnerability and risk assessment etc.
17th February, 2023-
National Workshop on Policy for Mitigation Measures and Rehabilitation for People Displaced by Erosion
The Pre-Event of the 3 rd Session of NPDRR 2023 was organised by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in association with Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) and based on the theme of “Mitigation Measures & Rehabilitation for People Displaced by River & Coastal Erosion”.
Officials of NDMA, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA), Union Government’s Ministries/ Departments/ Institutions, State Government’s Ministries/Departments/Institutions, Scholars/ Academicians, Civil Society Members etc. participated in the national workshop.
Technical Sessions were organized as part of Pre-Event which included Process of Planning & Formulating Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plan, Programme on Mitigation Measures for Coastal Erosion, Programme on Mitigation Measures for River Erosion, Policy on Rehabilitation Measures for Coastal Erosion, Policy on Rehabilitation Measures for River Erosion and Process of Planning and Formulating Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plan, Discussions on National Policy on Coastal and River Erosion
21st/23rd February 2023-
Conduct of State Level Mock exercise on Chemical Disaster in Andhra Pradesh
Improving preparedness on Chemical disasters – National Disaster Management Authority conducted the Table top and Mock Exercise on Chemical disaster scenarios in conjunction with the Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority and other stakeholders.
22nd February 2023-
National Consultation on Drought Mitigation Planning
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare jointly organised National consultation on Drought Mitigation Planning which included the experts and key resources persons from various ministries/departments, scientists and academics, NGOs, and others working in drought-vulnerable areas, to bring some new perspectives to the set of interventions for drought mitigation planning more effectively with an appropriate mix of information, technology, institutions, and infrastructure.
Key objectives of the Consultation were:
• Sharing of XV Finance Commission recommendation
• Drought mitigation planning and strategy.
• Experience sharing for convergence with key schemes run by the union and state governments to mitigate the successive droughts
• A framework/guideline for a drought mitigation program
• Long-term drought planning and setting up a mechanism at the local level intervention
27th- 28th Feb 2023-
National Meet on Disaster Risk Management Trends & Technologies, NRSC Hyderabad, NDMA
NRSC in close association with MHA, NDMA, SDMAs, NDRF, CWC, GSI, FSI, etc. organised the National Meet on Disaster Risk Management Trends & Technologies at NRSC Hyderabad.
The meet focussed on the recent trends and technologies and research by various organisations and consisted of expert lectures, interactive sessions and panel discussion. New technologies, research gaps, data limitations, knowledge sharing opportunities was discussed for future course of action for disaster risk reduction.
The national meet deliberated on the following themes for best technological solutions to disaster risk reduction in the country addressing Prime Minister’10 point agenda.
Disaster Risk Management:
Multi hazards disaster risk management, a national database for emergency management, relief and rescue operations, the role of earth observation, in DRR, intentional collaboration, satellite communications, best practices in DRR, etc
Hydrological Disasters
Flood early warning models, spatial flood inundation simulations, GLOF, dam break, urban flood modelling, flash floods, tsunami, digital terrain models, etc.
Meteorological Disasters
Cyclone-genesis, cyclone forecasting, lightning, storm surge modelling, hydro meteorological. Network, satellite-based rainfall products, Doppler weather radar data, etc.
Geological Disasters
Landslide inventory, landslide susceptibility, landslide early warning, seismic hazard zonation, geodynamics study, etc.
Drought and Forest Fire
Role of earth observation in agriculture drought risk management, earth observation for active fire detection in forests and stubble burning, forest fire management, rapid forest fire affected area assessment, etc.
Climate Change Impact:
Extreme hydro-meteorological events, climate change impact on extreme events like flash floods, urban floods, lightening, heat and cold waves, etc.
28th February 2023-
Debriefing session on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)
National Disaster Management Authority organised the debriefing session on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Mission to Turkiye and Syria Earthquake disaster along with its stakeholders. Representatives from NDRF, MEA, MoD, MOHFW, MHA, NCS, NRSC, HQ IDS, Air Force CBRI NIDM also present for the session.
👉 The session included the presentations and deliberations for the HADR Mission along with sharing and exchanging the first-hand experience gained during the mission.
Heatwave - Early Warning And Response
Heatwave | How To Stay Safe During Heatwave?
Heatwave | जानें गर्म हवा /लू के लक्षण।
Heatwave | लू\गर्म हवा से बचाव।
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