Forest Fire Management Practices Used by Forest Departments
Disaster: Manmade and Gradual Process
May 2023 Meetings/Engagements
2nd May 2023:-Meeting on National Disaster Management Information System (NDMIS) platform
NDMA held a meeting under the chairmanship of Sh. Kunal Satyarthi, Joint Secretary (Policy and Plan) to discuss and deliberate on the issues related to the Sendai Framework module of the National Disaster Management Information System (NDMIS) platform.
This portal is being developed to capture the disaster damages and the losses effectively and monitor funds disbursals under SDRF (State Disaster Response Fund) and NDRF (National Disaster Response Fund) to states for relief activities in case of disasters. This online system would track the impacts of hazards for the entire country up to the district level.
2nd May 2023: Visit of Fijian Delegation to NDMA
As part of ongoing India-US triangular development partnership projects on disaster resilience themes, an official delegation from Fiji paid a visit to NDMA for project due diligence.
Thread: The purpose of the visit was to enable discussions with the Indian leadership with the representatives from Indian disaster management agencies to assess and identify areas of training.
3rd May 2023: Meeting to review Pre-Monsoon/Monsoon Situation
NDMA conducted a Pre-Monsoon review meeting with all States/UTs, concerned central ministries and other agencies. The meeting focused on reducing loss of life & property due to likely hazards in the forthcoming season by effective monitoring, coordination, hazard mapping, improving readiness & preparedness and early warning mechanisms.
NDMA laid stress on improving capabilities at the local level by training of SDRFs, updating Disaster Management Plans, efficient functioning of Emergency Operation Centres, resource mapping, coordination with Armed Forces / NDRF / CAPFs and use of geo-targeted early warning mechanisms like CAP-SACHET.
NDMA is also regularly conducting Pre-Monsoon readiness Mock Exercises (based on Incident Response System) in impacted states for improving overall readiness levels.
Deliberations and Presentations by concerned agencies were also conducted:
Monsoon/weather forecasts by IMD
Satellite Surveillance of inundation areas by NRSC
Status of water reservoirs and monitoring of River basins by CWC
Deployment of rescue teams in impacted states by NDRF
4th May 2023: Review meeting for discussion on Heat Action Plans
Senior officials from NDMA held a meeting with the stakeholders to review preparations, and strategize preparedness measures for the Heat Actions plans for the country under the chairmanship of Sh. Alok, Additional Secretary, NDMA.
Deliberations and Presentations by stakeholders and other DM departments, allied organizations were held apart from updating disaster management plans. Discussions over the following components were also conducted:
🔵 Heatwave related weather forecasts
🔵 Issues related to health hazards due to heatwave
🔵 Preparedness measures
In view of the above, it was deliberated about the need for effective coordination between central and state agencies to ensure preparedness of all systems.
8th of May 2023: Debriefing Session for Ludhiana Gas leakage incident
A debriefing Session on the responsive activities undertaken during the Ludhiana Gas leakage incident was organized at NDMA Bhawan under the chairmanship of Sh. Kamal Kishore, Member & Secretary l/C, NDMA.
Thread: Deliberations and presentation were taken up amongst the officials covering up the following aspects by the NDRF.
🔵Mobilization & response,
🔵Capabilities in terms of equipment & training to deal with CBRN emergencies,
🔵Identification of bottlenecks during the incident with the lessons learnt alongside.
10th and 12th of May 2023: Table Top cum Mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster in Sikkim
National Disaster Management Authority along with the officials and all stakeholders from state of Sikkim conducted a Table Top Exercise and Mock Exercise on Earthquake disaster on 10th and 12th of May 2023 in which all districts of the State participated simultaneously.
👉 The exercise aimed at exercising key disaster managers in their roles and responsibilities on various simulated emergency situations, particularly on the likely scenarios to be played out in the impending ME, discern gaps prior to the ME and evolve viable response plans.
19th of May 2023: CBRN training with Cochin Airport
NDMA in association with Kochi Airport organised the Basic training on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Emergency Management for Airport Emergency handlers from 17th May to 19th May 2023. CBRN emergencies pertain to threats emanating from the handling of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear material.
👉 The main focus of the training is to increase awareness, preparedness and coordination among all stakeholders in case of an unforeseen CBRN emergency. This training programme will improve CBRN safety at our airports by enabling the AEHs to handle any CBRN emergency.
19th of May 2023: Meeting for drafting SOPs on Public transport safety in Hilly/Mountainous States/UTs.
Senior NDMA officials held a virtual meeting with the officials/representatives from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, National Highways Authority of India - NHAI and other govt/state govt depts. to discuss and deliberate for drafting SOPs on Public transport safety in Hilly/Mountainous States/UTs.
31st of May 2023: National Consultative Workshop on Implementation of Extreme Heat Mitigation Measures
New Delhi: National Disaster Management Authority, Natural Resources Defense Council, India and Climate Trends jointly organised the National Consultative Workshop on Implementation of Extreme Heat Mitigation Measures. NDMA has been spearheading work to strengthen extreme heat preparedness and early warning systems for several decades in India.
The workshop was based on the theme: Conceptualizing Mitigation Framework for Extreme Heat in India and
♦ The workshop aimed to identify common resource needs, facilitate sharing of best practices for reducing heat risks amongst states, and advance collaboration and financing mechanisms to tackle the growing challenge of extreme heat nationwide.
The discussions and deliberations at the workshop were around the following objectives:
1. Mapping the urban heat island risk for mitigation planning.
2. Identifying options for heat mitigation measures and resource and information needs for scaling implementation in states
3. Lessons from existing examples of heat mitigation measures being implemented at scale such as cool roofs at scale
4. Way forward on collaboration to develop a framework for heat mitigation in the country and access financing
Shri Krishna S. Vatsa, Member, NDMA briefed on the Scaling implementation of heat mitigation solutions with an overview of the resources for states for developing heatwave mitigation programs.
♦ He said - Heat Wave Management in India "Class and equal dimensions of heat need to be addressed by heat wave actions. The Agri sector needs to be prioritized since extreme heat affects food security & worker productivity"
♦ Shri Vatsa, further said "Heat-prone areas are specific focal points for heat action plans. the demographic dimensions of heat affect different groups differently - senior citizens, children and women are more prone to the health impacts of heat"
♦ Sh. Krishna S. Vatsa, Member, NDMA elaborated that "HAPs, as the instrument of local action, needs to be implementable and action-oriented. They need to be supplemented by institutional capacities, led by a dedicated heat officer at the local level. "
Sh. Kunal Satyarthi, JS (Policy and Plan), NDMA said "The unpredictability of weather linked to climate changes have led to a large number of climate linked disasters, as evidenced by 2023 so far. For Heat, the NDMA HAP guidelines for 2016 have been advisory to states".
♦ He also said "While Heat Waves are not as 'glamorous' as floods or droughts, there is plenty of traditional wisdom to adopt from. Going forward, we need to discuss long term resilience measures and mitigation features to address extreme heat".
♦ He further added "The heat season, we had a national heat preparedness workshop in February 2023 with the participation of states and cities. The focus is strongly on implementation now, such as the leadership demonstrated by the Telangana Cool Roofs Policy".
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