23rd to 25th July 2024- NDMA conducted a Mock Exercise (ME) on Floods for the State of Uttar Pradesh:
A Table Top Exercise (TTEx) and Mock Exercise was conducted by NDMA from 23rd to 25th July 2024 on the Floods Disaster for the State of Uttar Pradesh.
The Table Top Exercise was co-chaired jointly by Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SM, VSM** (Retd), Member, NDMA and Lt Gen Yogendra Dimri, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd), Vice Chairman, UPSDMA, Uttar Pradesh.
July 2024 Meetings/Engagements
3rd July 2024- NDMA holds Preparatory Meeting on ‘Heat Action Plan Training Workshop’:
A multi-stakeholder preparatory meeting to discuss the modalities of the proposed ‘Heat Action Plan Training Workshop’ to be organised by NDMA and NRDC for ULBs & UDDs of Uttar Pradesh was held under the chairmanship of
Sh. Krishna S. Vatsa, Member, NDMA, at NDMA Bhawan, on 3rdJuly 2024, in hybrid mode.
4th July 2024- Exposure Visit of Trainee IAS Officers at NDMA Bhawan:
NDMA conducted a briefing session on NDMA & its role in disaster management for Officers Trainees of the 2022 IAS Batch attached as Assistant Secretaries in MHA, during an Exposure Visit conducted at NDMA Bhawan, on 4th July 2024.
9th July 2024 - NDMA holds Technical Advisory Committee Meet on ‘Drought Mitigation Plan’:
Dr Krishna S. Vatsa, Member, NDMA chaired a Technical Advisory Committee Meeting organized by NDMA to discuss & review the ‘Drought Mitigation Plan’ of concerned States, under the National Disaster Management Fund (NDMF) as per the recommendation of the XV Finance Commission, on 9th July, 2024.
10th July 2024- HoD, NDMA participates in ‘5th Meeting of the BRICS Ministers for Disaster Management’:
The Indian delegation led by Sh. Rajendra Singh, Member & HoD, NDMA, participated virtually in the ‘5thMeeting of the BRICS Ministers for Disaster Management’ held in Kazan, Russia, via online mode on 10th July 2024.
15th July 2024- NDMA conducts Conferenceof SDMAs at NDMA Bhawan:
To discuss the structural role of SDMAs and their functionalities as per the Disaster Management Act, NDMA organized a conference of State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) at its headquarters(NDMA Bhawan) in New Delhi, on 15th July 2024.
The conference was held under the chairmanship of Member & HoD, NDMA, Sh. Rajendra Singh, with Dr K.S Vatsa, Member, NDMA, Lt. Gen. Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd.), Member, NDMA and Lt Gen Yogendra Dimri (Retd), VC, UPSDMA as co-chairs. Senior officials of State Disaster Management Authorities of Assam, Sikkim, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Kerala, and representatives of UNDP, UN Women, UNICEF, and ADPC, participated in the meet.
17th July 2024- Senior UNDRR Representative calls on HoD, NDMA:
A meeting between Sh Rajendra Singh, Member & HoD, NDMA and Marco Toscano-Rivalta, Chief Regional Officer for Asia & Pacific, UNDRR to discuss about ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific Region’ was held, at NDMA Bhawan, on 17th July 2024. Future cooperation between India and UNDRR was also discussed during the meet.
19TH July 2024- ‘Heat Action Plan Training Workshop’ organized by NDMA and NDRC in Uttar Pradesh:
A two-day ‘Heat Action Plan Training Workshop’ was organized by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in Lucknow on 18 & 19 July 2024.
Dr Krishna S Vatsa, Member, NDMA addressed the workshop attended by officials of Urban Local Bodies, Urban Development Authorities, State Disaster Management Authority and other departments of Uttar Pradesh.
24TH July 2024- HoD, NDMA meets Indian Ambassador to Thailand and Dy. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, in Bangkok:
On the sideline of the 5th Board of Trustee Meeting of ADPC in Bangkok, Shri Rajendra Singh, Member & HoD, NDMA met the Indian Ambassador to Thailand, Shri Nagesh Singh, on 24th July 2024and discussed issues related to the bilateral relation with Thailand in the field of DRR and future collaboration with ADPC.
Following this,he held a productive bilateral meeting with Mr Paisan Rupanichakiji, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofThailand. Discussions onenhancing mutual cooperation in the field of DRR in the region and strengthening of ADPC were held during the meeting.
25TH July, 2024- Sh. Rajendra Singh, HoD, NDMA chairs the 5th Board of Trustee Meeting of ADPC in Bangkok:
Mr. Rajendra Singh, Member and HoD, National Disaster Management Authority represented India as the Chair of the 5th Board of Trustees of the ‘Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (APDC)’ meeting held on 25th July 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand.
More than 20 Agenda items including Administration, Financing, New Formation of ADPC, the ADPC Strategy for 2030 etc were discussed during the meeting.
The members of the BOT agreed to strengthen the ADPC and improve the ADPC's Governance, Leadership and Institutional Development. The member countriesalso agreed to enhance mutual cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region.
28TH July, 2024- HoD, NDMA participates in the ‘TROIKA Meeting of the DRR Working Group of the G20’ held in Brazil:
Dr Krishna S Vatsa Member, NDMA participated in the TROIKA meeting of the DRR Working Group of the G20 held under the Brazilian Presidency at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
The other two members of the TROIKA being South Africa and Brazil itself, India supported the Brazilian priority proposal of reducing vulnerability and combating inequalities. Dr Vatsa mentioned that both ‘Preparedness’ and ‘Resilient Recoveries’ required that inequalities be addressed through all stages of DRR.
The theme of this year's G20 meeting was “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”. It is to be noted that India was the catalyst in creating an institutional mechanism of the ‘Working Group on DRR’ during its G20 Presidency last year.
The Indian delegation also participated in some side events.
29th July, 2024- NDMA represents India as part of TROIKA, during the inaugural session of the two-day ‘Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group’ Meeting:
Dr Krishna S Vatsa represented India as part of the TROIKA, during the inaugural session of the two-day ‘Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group’ meetings held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),on 29 July 2024.
Dr Vatsa spoke of the commitment of the Indian Leadership to the critical topic of Disaster Risk Reduction. He highlighted the catalytic role played by India in establishing the ‘Working Group on DRR’ during its Presidency last year.He further complimented Brazil on its continuation with vigour, enthusiasm and commitment.
India has provided its support to Brazil's call for ‘prioritising, addressing vulnerabilities and reducing inequalities in DRR’.
The Indian delegation also participated in some side events.
#Flood | What Should Be Done After Floods ?
#Flood | बाढ़ के बाद क्या करें और क्या न करें | NDMA?
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