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Cyclone Risk Mitigation- India perspective
Visit of IORA Secretary General to NDMA -September 30, 2022
IORA Secretary General HE Mr Salman Al Farisi paid a visit to NDMA; held interaction meeting with the members and senior officials on Disaster Risk Reduction priorities.
- IORA is the largest country grouping in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). It has 23 member states and 10 dialogue partners, and two observers - Indian Ocean Research Group and WIOMSA.
Conduct of Online IRS Training and Table Top Exercise on Floods Disaster in Punjab - September 29, 2022
NDMA organised an online IRS (Incident Response System) training cum Table Top Exercise (TTex), under the chairmanship of Lt Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain for all the flood-prone districts of Punjab.
6th Steering Committee meeting on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) project- September 29, 2022
NDMA organized 6th Steering Committee meeting on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) based integrated alert system (SACHET) phase- I project to discuss the implementation & current status of the project with Centre for Development of Telematics, GOI, under the chairmanship of Lt Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain.
- SACHET is a comprehensive Early Warning system for issuing geo-specific alerts in the wake of a disaster. The system is expected to be a game-changer in India's response to disasters.
18th Formation Day of NDMA - September 28, 2022
NDMA celebrated its 18th Formation Day on 28th of September, 2022 at Vigyan Bhawan , New Delhi. Shri. Nityanand Rai, Minister of State for Home along with Shri. Ajay Kumar Mishra, Minister of State for Home graced the occasion as Chief Guests and delievered the inaugural address.Dr. PK Mishra, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Prime Minister graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour and delivered the valedictory address. The theme for this year was 'Volunteerism in Disaster Management'. The Chief guests launched
- The Web based dynamic Composite Risk Atlas & Decision Support system (DCRA & DSS)
- Flood risk Atlas (West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh)
Along with an Institutional film on NDMA on the occasion. Deliberations were held on the theme with States, NGOs, and International organisations and existing voluntary actions of he groups viz, NCC, NYKS, NSS, BSG, Civil Defence.
- The vision of NDMA has been “To build a safe and disaster resilient India by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster oriented and technology - driven strategy through a culture of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response”.
3rd Meeting of BRICS Ministers for Disaster Management - September 23, 2022
NDMA participated in the 3rd meeting of the Ministers for Disaster Management under the theme of 'Promoting the modernization of disaster prevention & management capacity, contributing to the high-quality development of BRICS countries'.
MoU signing with Insurance Institute of India - September 23, 2022
NDMA entered into an MoU with the Insurance Institute of India (III), Mumbai for the research study on Insurance Interventions for Disaster Risk Management as recommended by XV Finance Commission and to provide solutions/ models of risk transfer mechanisms.
National Seminar for Consultation on “Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Programme” - September 16 , 2022
National Seminar for Consultation on “Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Programme” (CNERMP) was organised by the National Disaster Management Authority along with the stakeholders.
- NDMA has conceptualized CNERMP, a multi-pronged approach for mitigating the risk of Earthquake hazard and addressing the gaps highlighted during various past earthquakes.
- NDMA has planned to launch a programme in the most earthquake-prone 24 States/ UTs lying in seismic zone IV & V wherein the gaps and challenges of responding to earthquake hazards can be better understood and addressed.
Meeting to discuss Preparation of DMP of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) - September 15, 2022
Senior officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a virtual meeting with the officials of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) and other stakeholders to discuss and facilitate them in preparation of their Disaster Management Plan.
National Seminar on Urban Flood Mitigation - September 13, 2022
National Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) organized 'National Seminar on Urban Flood Mitigation ' to discuss various mitigation solutions for urban floods and bring stakeholders on a platform to develop a holistic plan for Urban Floods
- Urban Floods pose a new challenge to the larger cities as they disrupt civic life and critical services. Reducing the impact of floods is a critical priority of disaster management. NDMA has taken the initiative of bringing the cities together to discuss various urban flood preparedness and mitigation solutions.
Valedictory function of 300 trained volunteers under the "Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme” by Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority
Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority conducted valedictory function of 300 volunteers trained under the ‘Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme’. Officers of NDMA were also present during the ceremony where certificates were distributed to the trained volunteers.
- The scheme aims to provide community volunteers with skills and equipment that they would require to respond to their community's immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster and thus enable them to undertake basic relief and rescue tasks during emergency situations.
- The occasion was graced by Sh. Kunga Nima Lepcha , Hon'ble Minister, Land Revenue & Disaster Management Department with the Guest of Honor Shr Kunal Satyarthi, JS (Policy & Plan) NDMA along with Chairman of District Disaster Management Authority, Namchi & Soreng & other Officials.
NDMA' Officials visit to Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant, Karnataka - September 11, 2022
NDMA's team led by Shri Kamal Kishore, Member and Secretary (I/C) and Shri. Rajendra Singh, Member and other officials from (NDRF) National Disaster Response Force visited Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant to review the off-site nuclear emergency preparedness and plan of the Nuclear Power Plant.
Meeting to review the project proposals formulated towards Disaster Risk Management for Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites and Precincts - September 9, 2022
Senior Officials from NDMA held a review meeting to discuss and deliberate on the project proposals formulated towards Disaster Risk Management for Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites and Precincts.
- The project aims to retrofit Heritage Structures in Indian Himalayan Region for resisting the effects of Earthquakes.
Discussion on upcoming Nuclear SOPs with SDRF, Uttar Pradesh
Dr Satish Kumar, IPS, Commandant, SDRF, Uttar Pradesh paid a visit to the National Disaster Management Authority and deliberated with Shri. Rajender Singh, Member, NDMA on the upcoming Nuclear SOPs in collaboration with State Disaster Response Force, Uttar Pradesh.
Meeting with NDRF officials - September 7, 2022
Members and Senior officials from the National Disaster Management Authority held an interaction meeting with DG, National Disaster Response Force, Shri. Atul Karwal and other officials of NDRF.
NDMA' Officials visit to Kodunkulum Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)-September 6, 2022
Senior Officers of NDMA, NDRF and Sub Collector, Cheranmahadevi paid a visit to Kodunkulum Nuclear Power Plant Site on 03rd September 2022 and discussed Emergency Management Systems of NPP.
It was noted that a robust system is in place and managed by dedicated nuclear Scientists & Engineers and maintains the highest level of Safety.
National Seminar on “Mountain Hazards: Landslides, Snow Avalanches & GLOF Risk Reduction & Mitigation' -
September 1, 2022
National Disaster Management Authority organised a ' One-Day National Seminar on ‘Mountain Hazards: Landslides, Snow Avalanches & GLOF Risk Reduction & Mitigation'
- The broad objective of the workshop was to share experiences / best practices and finalize the National Programme on Landslide Risk Reduction & Mitigation through stakeholders' suggestions and chart out a future course of action.
One-day Consultative Workshop on Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Integrated Alert System - August 31, 2022
National Disaster Management Authority in association with Centre for Development of Telematics (CDOT) organized "One-day Consultative Workshop on Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)" Integrated Alert System. The Common Alerting Protocol-based Integrated Alerting System is designed to bring together different Alerting Agencies e.g. IMD, CWC, INCOIS, DGRE and FSI on a single web-based platform and issue geo-specific alerts to the populace and response agencies.
The workshop aimed to provide a platform to all the stake holders including Alert Generating Agencies, Alert Authorising Agencies and Alert Disseminating Agencies across India to discuss their underlying concerns and challenges and evolve the technology-based solutions to address these in an effective manner amid insightful discussions by a galaxy of experts and technologists.
Preparation of Disaster Management Plan (DMP) of Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals
Members and Senior Officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a virtual meeting with the officials from Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals to discuss and deliberate on its department's Preparation of Disaster Management Plan (DMP).
Conduct of State Level Mock Exercise on Earthquake in Ladakh- August 26, 2022
NDMA officials conducted an Orientation and Coordination conference as a prelude to the State-level Mock Exercise on Earthquake Scenario that took place on 6th & 8th September 2022. Representatives of various districts and all stakeholders attended the meeting.
Meeting regarding National Disaster Management Information System -
August 26, 2022
NDMA officials held a meeting to discuss and deliberate on the issues regarding the preparation of the disaster database and feeding necessary data in the National Disaster Management Information System (NDMIS) platform.
Other issues of discussion were:
i.) Challenges faced by States/UTs in feeding disaster data in the NDMIS platform.
ii.) Support needed by States/UTs for regular disaster data feeding in the NDMIS platform.
iii.) Need for conducting orientation-cum-training programmes for States to help them feed the required data in the platform.
Visit of BIMSTEC Secretary General to NDMA-
August 25, 2022
BIMSTEC Secretary General Mr Tenzin Lekhpell (Bhutan), along with Mr Moshraf Hossain, Director (BIMSTEC- Bangladesh) & officials from Ministry of External Affairs paid a visit to the National Disaster Management Authority; held deliberations with the Members and Officials of NDMA on various aspects of disaster management.
- BIMSTEC holds great significance to us especially in the area of Disaster Management as it constitutes a unique link between South Asian and South-East Asian countries which is considered a natural grouping of countries bound by geography and history, heritage and values.
- India has been working closely with many countries for the exchange of ideas and expertise in disaster management.
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Inviting nominations for 'Subhas Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar'- 30th September 2022
#Cyclone: Early Warning and Response
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