Protection of Vulnerable Building Stock from Earthquake |
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| A Paradigm Shift; Introducing Technology for the implementation of Incident Response System |
Conduct of Online IRS & Table Top Exercise on Floods in Jharkhand - 27th July 2022 |
To enhance the preparedness for floods, NDMA conducted an online Incident Response System (IRS) Training and Table Top Exercise for the State of Jharkhand under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain Member, NDMA. .
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BRICS Expert Level Workshop on Disaster Management - 26th July 2022 |
Senior officials from NDMA participated in the BRICS Expert Level Workshop on Disaster Management. Experts and scholars from the disaster management agencies of BRICS countries also participated in the workshop.
The workshop aimed at ➡Deliberations and discussions on sharing of good practices on Comprehensive disaster risk monitoring, early warning and assessment to enhance disaster prevention and mitigation. ➡Sharing of experience on the building up of emergency rescue forces to strengthen disaster response and rescue capacity.
➡Sharing of experiences on post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to improve the recovery capacity. |
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CBRN training with Swami Vivekananda Airport, Raipur - 26th July 2022 |
NDMA in association with the Airports Authority of India conducted 3-day training on CBRN (Chemical, Biological, and Radiological & Nuclear) Emergency Management for the staff of Swami Vivekananda Airport Raipur and its stakeholders.
➡CBRN emergencies pertain to threats emanating due to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear material.
➡The main focus of the training was to increase awareness, preparedness and coordination among all stakeholders in case of an unforeseen CBRN emergency. This training programme will help improve CBRN safety at our airports by enabling the AEHs to handle any CBRN emergency. The training brought various stakeholders like the Airports Authority of India, NDMA, Airlines, State Police and other departments of the State Govt. of Chhattisgarh on a common platform.
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Meeting regarding National Disaster Management Information System - July 25th 2022
NDMA held a meeting with the representatives of the Secretary in charge of Disaster Management to discuss the issues regarding preparing the Disaster database and feeding necessary data into the NDMIS (National Disaster Management Information System) platform. Goa, Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Rajasthan, Tripura, West Bengal, Chandigarh, and Puducherry took participation in the meeting. |
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National Level launching -cum training workshop for MIS & Mobile App "Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme - 22nd July 2022 |
NDMA in collaboration with Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority held National Level launching -cum training workshop for MIS & Mobile App "Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme ". |
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Orientation and Coordination conference on Chemical Disaster with KSDMA- 19th July 2022 |
NDMA in collaboration with Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority organised an orientation and coordination conference in the run-up to the Mock Exercise on Chemical Disaster which was later held on 27th- 29th July 2022.
➡Stakeholders/Representatives of various districts attended the meeting. A state-level Mock exercise (ME) on the Chemical Disaster scenario was later held for the state of Karnataka in which nominated districts of the state participated simultaneously in a phased manner. |
Discussion on Insurance Product and Review Meeting of Up-scaling of the Aapda Mitra Scheme - 12th July 2022 |
NDMA held a meeting to review the status of the Up-scaling of the Aapda Mitra Scheme with the States/UTs and deliberate upon the insurance product for trained Aapda Mitra Volunteers under the chairmanship of Sh. Rajendra Singh, Member, NDMA. |
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Conduct of Mock Exercise on Flood Scenario in Uttar Pradesh - 07th July 2022 |
In its efforts toward improving flood preparedness during the monsoon season, NDMA conducted the Mock Exercise on floods preparedness in collaboration with the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (UPSDMA). The simulation of this mock exercise aimed to assess the preparedness of the State's machinery for the recurring annual floods in the state too. The mock exercise was conducted on the principle of the Incident Response System (IRS) and aimed to exercise key disaster managers in their roles and responsibilities in various simulated emergencies and the disaster simulation sites on the ground.
The exercise also aimed to help and improve the administration’s capacity to mobilise resources and reach out to the affected communities swiftly in case of an actual flood situation.
Various stakeholder agencies such as the Army, the Air Force, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), National Disaster Response Force, State Disaster Response Force, district administration, Fire Fighting department, and Civil Defence and Home Guards participated in the exercise. |
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Visit to UP SDRF Headquarters - 06th July 2022 |
Shri Rajendra Singh, Member, NDMA visited the Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Response Force headquarters to take stock of the monsoon preparedness by SDRF in the state and interacted with the volunteers undergoing training in disaster management under the Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme.
More than 250 volunteers were undergoing in-house training. The training aimed at improving the response capability at the state and community levels. |
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Table Top Exercise on Floods Scenario in association with UPSDMA- 05th July 2022 |
To enhance the preparedness for floods, NDMA conducts a virtual Table Top Exercise (TTEX) in association with (UPSDMA) office of Relief Commissioner for the State of Uttar Pradesh under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain, Member, NDMA & Co-Chaired by Lt Gen. RP Sahi, VC, UPSDMA. While delivering the opening address Lt. Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain Member, NDMA highlighted the roles & responsibilities of key disaster managers in various emergency/disaster-related scenarios in different locations of the country to evolve viable response plans for preparedness.
The TTEX was carried out in the presence of all district-level officers and other central stakeholders from the Armed Forces, NDRF, CAPFs, and Police.
A brief of the ongoing projects of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) based Integrated Alert System and Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) by NDMA was taken up with insights into its effectiveness which simplifies the task of activating warnings for responsible officials along with the simple tools that can be used to get critical messages to affected people.
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Orientation and Coordination conference with UPSDMA - 01st May 2022 |
NDMA conducted an Orientation and Coordination conference with UPSDMA as a prelude to the State-level Mock Exercise on Floods Scenario scheduled for 5th & 7th July 2022. Representatives of all 75 districts and all stakeholders attended the meeting. |
Earthquake | Earthquake can be dangerous. Be Smart ! Stay prepared ! |
#Earthquake | Earthquake- How to Stay Safe if indoors during an earthquake ? |
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#Earthquake | How to Stay Safe during an earthquake if outdoors? |
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| Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar- English |
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A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, NDMA Bhawan New Delhi -110029 |