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Missing disaster data and DRR
January 2023 Meetings/Engagements
3rd January 2023 Consultation meeting on the Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Program (CNERMP)
A Consultation meeting on the Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Program (CNERMP) with all IITs, NITs and SPAs was held on January 3, 2022 The purpose of the meeting was to inform them of various program activities that require their participation, to assist them in comprehending various activities, and to obtain their consent to participate so that efforts of all the institutions are aligned in the same direction to achieve the goal of CNERMP.
4-6th January 2023 CBRN Training with Chennai Port Trust
A three-day basic training in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Emergency Management for seaport emergency handlers was conducted by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Chennai Port Authority (@PortofChennai) jointly from 4th- 6th January 2023.
• This basic-level CBRN (Chemicals, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) training course intended to enhance Emergency Handlers' ability to recognize, survive and respond to CBRN incidents.
• The training also focused on the needs of those, who will be the first to arrive on the scene or those who may otherwise be the first professional presented with the result of the #CBRN incidents.
6th January 2023 Review of implementation of NDMA Programmes in the state of Madhya Pradesh
Shri Kunal Satyarthi, Joint Secretary, NDMA reviewed status of implementation of NDMA Programmes in State of Madhya Pradesh and overall preparedness for DM with Secretary, Home and Coordinator, Madhya Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority - MPSDMA; Secretary Revenue and officers from departments of WRD, SDRF, IMD, DMI, Rural Development and Science and Technology in Vallabh Bhawan Situation Room, Mantralay, Bhopal.
JS suggested to take necessary steps for fulfilling objectives of Sendai framework for DRR Project. He was informed that the state of MP has developed Disaster Warning and Response system for command, control and coordination.
JS opined to integrate this system with Common Alerting Protocol. He reviewed State Disaster Response Force’s strength and capacity. On request of State officials, he agreed for training of District Nodal Officers on NDMIS (National Disaster Management Information System) Portal and IDRN (India Disaster Resource Network) portal. He also highlighted about various upcoming programmes and schemes of NDMA.
7th January 2023 Consultation Workshop on 'National Project on Forest Fire Management' at Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal.
The Consultation Workshop on 'National Project on Forest Fire Management' for Central Indian States, Institutions and other stakeholders was held at Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal.
Representatives of forest departments of the states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) Bhopal, Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI) Jabalpur, National Fire Service College, MP SDMA, NDRF, SDRF also participated to provide inputs and share experiences regarding Forest Fire Management.
Deliberations were made on:
• Best Practices in Forest Fire Management: Innovation, Involvement and Livelihood
• Forest Fire Management: Early Warning, Response and Research & Training
10-12 January 2023 Three-day basic training CBRN Training for Delhi Airport
The National Disaster Management Authority conducted three-day basic training encompassing threats emanating from the use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials in Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN) Emergency Management at the Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) (@DelhiAirport) to enhance preparedness of emergency handlers to respond to such emergencies at the airport from 10th- 12th January 2023.
🔘 The programme consisted of lectures as well as field training, including live demonstrations of detection and decontamination, including use of personal protective equipment.
11th January 2023 Consultation meeting on the Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Program (CNERMP) with NIPFP (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy)
Consultation meeting on the Comprehensive National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Program (CNERMP) with NIPFP (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy) was held on January 11, 2022. The meeting aimed to inform NIPFP of various program activities that require their participation, to assist them in comprehending various activities, and to obtain their consent to participate so that efforts can be aligned in the same direction to achieve the objective of the National Program.
11th January 2023 National Seminar on National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme
One Day National Seminar on 'National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme' was organised at NDMA Bhawan, New Delhi. Lightning Risk Management, in recent times, has been at the forefront of Disaster Risk Reduction in India.
➡️ As a part of the 15th Finance Commission recommendations, NDMA has developed a National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme (#NLRMP) which mainly addresses risks associated with #Lightning and #thunderstorms with a budget outlay of Rs. 750 crores for five years.
➡️ The National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme (#NLRMP) programme will be implemented in the 200 most vulnerable districts covering almost all States/ UTs.
➡️ In addition, a substantial budget has been allocated for upgrading the technical handling capacity of #lightning and setting up a Centre of Excellence for research and development
The following sessions were conducted during the seminar:
➡️ Session I: Prevention and Early Warning underway for the 'National Seminar on National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme'.
➡️ Session II of the 'National Seminar on National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme' is based on - Preparedness and Mitigation.
➡️ Session- III of the 'National Seminar on National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme' focused on Capacity Building
➡️ Session- IV of the 'National Seminar on National Lightning Risk Mitigation Programme' discussed the Research and Development
11th January 2023 Meeting regarding Project-CAFRI II
Senior Officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a meeting to discuss and deliberate upon the 'New Indo-German Bilateral Cooperation Project-CAFRI II' (Climate Adaptation, Resilience and Climate Finance in Rural India).
➡️ The proposed project - CAFRI II' (Climate Adaptation, Resilience and Climate Finance in Rural India) being conceived under Indo-German Bilateral Cooperation is a follow-up on the existing project CAFRI which ends in mid-2023.
➡️ The project envisages support for policy, planning and action for climate resilience, capacity development and climate finance in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEF&CC) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD).
➡️ CAFRI-II has been approved by both the Indian and German governments during the Intergovernmental negotiations which were held in November 2022.
17th January 2023- Meeting regarding Decision Support System /EWS other issues
A meeting was held at NDMA Bhawan on 18/01/2023 under the chairmanship of Sh. Kamal Kishore Member Secretary, NDMA with Gujarat StateDisaster Management Authority (GSDMA), Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management (GIDM)and ISR Gandhinagar to deliberate and discuss upon the following issues:
• Framework for Decision Support/ Early Warning System
• Use of AV/ virtual reality for experiencing real life disaster situation-a case studies of technology used in Smritivan, and
• Exploring the possibility of partnership for organizing G-20 Side Events on DRR as discussed during Gujarat visit of NDMA officials.
17th January 2023- 6th Steering Committee meeting for Project ERSS
National Disaster Management Authority organised the 6th Steering Committee meeting via VC for the ''Extension of Emergency Response Support system (ERSS) for Disaster Emergencies Project under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain, Member, NDMA to discuss and deliberate upon the present project implementation status.
👉The project is to be implemented across 36 States/UTs in a phased manner; stakeholders from the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), MeitY, NDRF, NIC, and MHA were also present.
19th January 2023- Interaction session with the AapdaMitra Volunteers, Manipur
Imphal, Manipur: Shri. Kunal Satyarthi, Joint Secretary (Policy and Plan), NDMA held an interaction session with the AapdaMitra Volunteers under the "Upscaling of AapdaMitra Scheme". The AapdaMitra scheme trains community volunteers in disaster response.
He also inspected the emergency responder kits provided to AapdaMitra volunteers, along with the live demonstrations.
20th January 2023- Installation of MetSensors on CORS established by Survey of India
Senior Officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India regarding the installation of MetSensors on Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) infrastructure established by Survey of India across the country.
20th January 2023- Consultation Workshop on National Project On Forest Fire Management atImphal (Manipur)
One Day Consultative Workshop on 'National Project on Forest Fire Management' was organised North AOC, Imphal (Manipur).
The major components of discussion and deliberations were:
👉Best Practices in Forest Fire Management: Innovation, Community, Involvement and Livelihood
• Local-level innovations carried out by states in forest fire management
• Major fires in the last five years and action taken to deal with them
• Kind of data collected from field and equipment currently in use
• Analysis of fire data is done; if any
• Problems faced by field staff in fire management
• Support provided by other nodal departments
• Inputs for improving existing fire management scenario
• Financial requirements for states to manage forest fire
• Scope of community participation in fire management and addressing livelihood issues.
👉Forest Fire Management: Early Warning, Response and Research & Training
• Proposals for incorporating the project
• Role of institutions in forest fire management
• Early alert for forest fire
• Response limitations faced by NDRF & SDRF
• Training for NDRF & SDRF personnel regarding forest fire
19th - 20th January 2023- ERSS (Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) - (Dial 112) training at Tripura
The Training session on Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) - Dial 112 was organised at State Emergency Operation Centre, Agartala by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing bolstered by the National Disaster Management Authority.
👉Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) is the vision of Govt. of India to launch an integrated emergency response system with a single emergency number 112, to address different emergencies of citizens.
18th - 20th January 2023- Basic training course on CBRN Emergency Management at SardarVallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad
National Disaster Management Authority conducted three- day basic training course on CBRN Emergency Management at (@ahmairport )SardarVallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad from 18th to 20th January 2023.
👉The training programme aimed to enhance preparedness of emergency handlers to respond and equip them to respond to such emergencies at the airport.
👉CBRN emergencies pertain to threats emanating from the handling of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear material.
👉Experts from stakeholder departments such as GSDMA, police, fire service, SDRF, AAI-ARFF, CISF took part in the training.
23rd January 2023- Orientation Cum Coordination Meeting: For Mock Exercise on Earthquake - Mizoram
National Disaster Management Authority conducted an Orientation and Coordination conference with Department of Disaster Management & Rehabilitation(DM&R), Mizoram as a prelude to the State-level Mock Exercise on Earthquake Scenario scheduled for 31st January & 2nd February 2023. Representatives of various districts and all stakeholders attended the meeting.
24th January 2023- IRS cum TTEx for Sikkim on Earthquake disaster scenario
An online IRS (Incident Response System) training cum Table Top Exercise (TTex) on the Earthquake disaster scenario for Sikkim was held under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen (Retd.) Syed Ata Hasnain Member, NDMA for preparedness and coordination with departments and other stakeholders.
24th January 2023- Meeting regarding Preparation of DMP of MOEF&CC
Members and Senior Officials from National Disaster Management Authority held a meeting with the officers of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India to discuss and deliberate on its department's Preparation of the Disaster Management Plan (DMP).
25th January 2023- Meeting regarding Preparation of DMP of Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Members and Senior Officials from National Disaster Management Authority, India held a meeting with the officers of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India to discuss and deliberate on its department's Preparation of the Disaster Management Plan (DMP).
25th January 2023- Review for preparedness measures for Ropeway Projects in country
A meeting was held to review the preparedness measures for Ropeway Projects in the country along with discussion and deliberation upon the SOP/Guidelines for safe and secure Ropeways/Cable Car operations under the Chairmanship of Member Secretary -in charge Shri. Kamal Kishore.
👉 Stakeholders from Bureau of Indian Standards, National Institute of Disaster Management, National Disaster Response Force, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,and National Highway Logistics Management Limited also participated in the meeting.
25th January 2023- TAG meet for to discuss the project proposal to retrofit heritage structures in the Indian Himalayan Region
A meeting of the Technical Advisory Group to follow up on the decisions taken in the TAG members' visit to monasteries in Sikkim was held to discuss the project proposal to retrofit heritage structures in the Indian Himalayan Region to resist the effects of Earthquakes.
27th January 2023- Orientation & Coordination Conference- Conduct of State Level Mock Exercise on Cyclone in Puducherry
National Disaster Management Authority, India in collaboration with Puducherry State Disaster Management Authority today conducted an orientation and coordination conference in the run-up to the Table Top & Mock Exercise on #Cyclone Disaster scheduled on 8th February- 10th February 2023 respectively. Representatives of various districts and all stakeholders attended the meeting.
31st January 2023- Orientation & Coordination Conference- Conduct of UT Level Mock Exercise on Tsunami in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
National Disaster Management Authority held an orientation and coordination conference as a prelude to the UT level Mock Exercise on Tsunami disaster for Andaman and Nicobar Islands scheduled for 7th & 9th February 2023.
🔹Representatives of various districts & stakeholders attended the meeting.
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