
Consultative Workshop on Forest Fire Management in India

Session-1 - Forest Fire: Scenario, Early Warning Management & Best practices (Presentations)

Title Speaker Download PPT
Overview of Forest Fire Management: issues and challenges in India Shri Arun Singh Rawat, IFS DG, ICFRE, Dehradun Download(5.25 MB)
Meterological Drivers of Forest Fire & Forecasting Dr. M. Mohapatra, DG, IMD Download(4.14 MB)
Fire Alerts and Early Warning: Present Practice and future challenges Sh. Anoop Singh, IFS, DG FSI Download(7.19 MB)
Forest Fire Management in Protected Areas Sh. S.P. Yadav, IFS, ADG (FC) Download(1.84 MB)
Global Best Practices on Forest Fire Management: possibilities in India Sh. Piyush Dogra, World Bank, Delhi Download(3.65 MB)
CAMPA: Funding options and stratagies for Forest Fire Management Sh. Shubhash Chandra, IFS, CEO, CAMPA, MoEFCC Download(3.31 MB)


Session-II - Strengthening Coordination Mechanism for Forest Fire Management (Presentations)

Title Speaker Download PPT
Capacity and training constraints in repsponding to forest fire Shri Atul Karwal, DG, NDRF Download(2.25 MB)
Aligining fire services & civil defence to combat forest fires Shri Taj Hassan, DG FIre Services and Civil Defence Download(350 KB)
Forest Fire Training in Academics/ Institutions Shri Bharat Jyoti, IFS, Director, IGNFA Download(1.59 MB)
Training Needs on Forest Fire Shri R.S Choudhary, Director, National Fire Service College, Nagpur Download(1.33 MB)
Forest Fire Response Mechanism by Indian Air Force: Issues & Challenges Wg Cdr S. Praveen Kumar Download(2.96 MB)


Session-III - Understanding needs and challenges of Forest Fire Prone States (Presentations)

Title Speaker Download PPT
Initial Framework of a "National Forest Fire Management Project" Dr Suneesh Buxy, IFS, IG (Forest), MoEFCC Download(3.66 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Chhatisgarh Rep of Chhatisgarh State Download(4.77 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Telangana Rep of Telangana State Download(6.89 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Maharashtra Rep of Maharashtra State Download(6.29 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Andhra Pradesh Rep of Andhra Pradesh State Download(4.60 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Mizoram Rep of Mizoram State Download(556 KB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Uttarakhand Rep of Uttarakhand State Download(1.70 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Madhya Pradesh Rep of Madhya Pradesh State Download(3.31 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Himachal Pradesh Rep of Himachal Pradesh State Download(3.59 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Assam Rep of Assam State Download(3.59 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Uttar Pradesh Rep of Uttar Pradesh State Download(5.11 MB)
Needs and challenges of Forest Fire in the state of Odisha Rep of Odisha State Download(7.62 MB)